Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Assessment Information
Providers of some regional center services are required to complete an online self-assessment (provided below) to measure their current level of compliance with the HCBS Final Rules, offering a framework for assisting providers with the necessary steps to align their services with the federal requirements. If a provider is not in compliance with all the requirements, there is time to develop a transition plan so the provider can achieve compliance by March 2023, the date by which states have to implement the federal requirements.
Virtual Site Assessment
The Department announced the virtual site assessment process in a letter to regional centers on March 23, 2021. Below is additional information and training.
- March 23, 2021 Letter to Regional Centers
- Provider Notification Letter
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Virtual Site Assessment Non-Residential Provider Questions
- Virtual Site Assessment Residential Provider Questions
The Department held training on the virtual site assessment process. A recording of this training can be found here.
Compliance Reporting
In accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.2(b), each regional center and the Department must post HCBS Final Rule compliance information on its website, and shall update the information no less frequently than every six months. The information in the HCBS Final Rule Compliance Report, showing SCLARC’s breakdowns, is collected from the provider self-assessment as well as the virtual site assessments. Statewide data can be found on the DDS website.
Resources & Training
Community of Practice – Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), Final Rule
SCLARC will facilitate Community of Practice. Join service providers, people who have intellectual/ developmental disabilities, family members and regional center staff to explore how Person Centered approaches align with Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) quality standards and people living their best lives.
HCBS Maintaining your Compliance:
Sure, all Remediation and Validation dates may have passed, but HCBS compliance is never ending. As you know Service providers are expected to continuously improve and maintain compliance with federal requirements, ensuring they are closely aligned with the principles of HCBS. SCLARC in partnership with the Team from Helen Sanderson Associates USA has made available a comprehensive training, “Moving From Paper To Practice”, where the community will have the opportunity to collaborate and explore how to use person- centered approaches to put Home and Community Based Services quality standards into action, taking them from paper to practice.
SCLARC’s Journey to HCBS Compliance
During the transition into becoming HCBS Compliant providers were asked to complete self-assessments. The assessments were launched in 2020 along with random virtual assessments followed by validation and remediation process. With the forms provided below providers were asked to determine whether they were in compliance with HCBS Final Rule or if there was a need to remediate existing services.

VAC Peer Support Group training on HCBS
The VAC Peer Support Group/or HCBS Peer Group’s (HCBSPG) objective is to provide support to their peers in need of assistance in implementation with HCBS final rule. HCBSPG will provide support to SCLARC’s vendors through the following:
- Conduct facility visits and document review for SCLARC vendors interested in obtaining peer-reviewed assistance.
- Provide sample forms and documents for vendor.
- Offer support and assistance to vendors with inquiries via email and scheduled appointments.
- Conduct workshops on the application of HCBS final rule requirements on everyday activities. This webinar will compile general “learnings” from the site visits to share with attendees.
LINK TO WEBINAR - Person-Centered Focus zoom/ webinars on “What’s Working/What’s Not”.
Get Your Questions Answered
Join SCLARC every third wednesday of the month via zoom to get your questions answered. Details on the SCLARC Calendar.
HCBS Final Rule Presentation
The HCBS Settings Rule secures essential rights for service recipients, rectifying past disparities before March 17th, 2023. By understanding and utilizing these rights, we can advocate for community living and challenge institutional barriers. Watch the videos below for practical examples of these rules in action.