Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees

SCLARC’s success in working with children, adults and families in South Los Angeles and Southeast cities comes from a commitment to partnership with the community and other agencies, in order to build a safety net of support for those we serve. Our Advisory Committees provide our stakeholders with a forum to join together in a collaborative environment to exchange ideas on how to improve services and supports for individuals and families served by SCLARC.

Advocates Advisory Committee (AAC)

The AAC is comprised of adults receiving SCLARC services, who meet monthly to discuss issues important to those served by SCLARC, and invite speakers to address these topics. AAC board members, adults diagnosed with a developmental disability themselves, conduct outreach to day and work programs, providing presentations using a peer to peer model.

Vendor Advisory Committee (VAC)

SCLARC works with over 800 contract service providers to support over 17,500 individuals living with developmental delays or developmental disabilities. Service providers coordinate with SCLARC to communicate information, policy changes, and legal changes to the service system, and engage in informational campaigns for those served by SCLARC. These service providers are guided by our Vendor Advisory Committee, which meets monthly to engage in dialogue regarding the Regional Center system, discuss changing landscapes, and learn about new legislation or available resources.

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The PAC provides community-led parent support groups a forum to voice challenges faced by our clients and families, and serve as learning a collaborative.

PAC members are parent leaders of local parent groups, meeting quarterly to discuss needs, program development, and to gather information from SCLARC for their group members.

Self- Determination Local Advisory Committee

The Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC) is a volunteer advisory committee providing oversight of the Self-Determination Program implementation at South Central Los Angeles Regional Center. SDLAC meetings are open to the public and provide an opportunity to learn more about the Self Determination program.

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