Adult Services

Adult Services

Traditional Services and Supports for
Individuals 18 and Above

Adults with developmental disabilities, regardless of the degree of the disability, have the right to live in homes of their choice, participate in employment or programs of their choice, and the ability to participate in community integrated activities and events within their own community. They have the right to receive services and supports that will ensure and enhance their success with becoming and maintaining independence and integration into the larger community.

SCLARC made the decision to divide the Department of Children Adult Services into two specializations: School Aged Individuals (ages 3-21 years) and Adult Individuals (ages 22 years and older).  SCLARC is currently working on a Specialization Plan with a goal of completing the plan during our current Fiscal Year 2021-2022.  The plan includes creating new specialization units, assigning Service Coordinators to their identified specialization, and transferring case files to the appropriate specialization area.

Case Specialization English Letter

Case Specialization Spanish Letter

SCLARC services ages 18 and above include but are not limited to:

  • Case Management
  • Supported Living Services
  • Independent Living Services
  • Residential Services
  • Day Programs
  • Employment Programs

Day and Community Integrated Programs

Up to the age of 22, people have the right to attend public school. Adult Day Program Services are usually provided after age 22.

These programs require sustained support and direction in developing the ability to interact with others, to make their needs known, and to respond to instructions. It is usually a five day per week program.

They focus on the development and maintenance of the functional skills required for:

  • Self-Advocacy
  • Community Integration
  • Employment
  • Self-Care
  • Independent Living
  • Communication

Employment Programs

Employment Programs provide support to young adults and adults who are interested in competitive employment.

Respite Services

Respite services are designed to assist family members of those receiving services from SCLARC by intermittently relieving caregivers of the continuous responsibility of care for their loved ones with special needs. Individuals or Home Health Agencies may provide respite care with the appropriate credentials.


Transportation can be funded in those situations where a person receiving services from SCLARC cannot use public transportation independently, and the family is unable to transport them to an appropriate program.

Transportation may not be provided or purchased when it is the responsibility of another generic agency, such as the public schools.

Family Support

South Central Los Angeles Regional Center provides many forms of assistance to families of our consumers including:

  • Organizing parent/sibling support group sessions that focus on resources and strategies for building empowerment and advocacy skills as well as managing day-to-day life with a child who has a disability.
  • Informing and educating existing parent groups and support groups on advocacy and leadership organizations for parent groups throughout the area.
  • Training and information sessions that will educate and empower stakeholders and their families as it relates to their diagnoses, available services and other community resources.
  • Peer to Peer Support

Workshops and Events

To provide additional support to the families we serve, SCLARC offers workshops and events that parents can attend to help support them and their loved one’s needs. Visit our calendar page to view upcoming workshops and events.

Specialized Services Unit (SSU)

In July of 2003, South Central Los Angeles Regional Center created the Specialized Services Unit, which is housed within SCLARC’s Consumer and Program Services Department. The Unit was established to respond to a variety of consumer needs and is made up of a variety of components including:

  • Case Management for judicially involved consumers
  • Consumers who are placed in Developmental Centers (DC)
  • Consumers who have transitioned from Developmental Centers, Psychiatric Institutions, and Jail to the community. Additionally, the Deflection Coordinator facilitates interventions to deflect or prevent consumers from incarceration or DC placement

The SSU Unit has a Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL), who is housed at Twin Towers Correctional Facility. The LEL is responsible for providing preliminary assessments of inmates suspected of being developmentally disabled, on behalf of the seven Los Angeles County Regional Centers. The LEL refers eligible and active individuals to the appropriate Regional Center to complete the intake process or provide further case management services. The LEL also participates in the intake process by completing the psychosocial assessment and attending core staffing when determining eligibility.

Case Transfer Information

Regional Centers service specific catchment areas.  When an individual served by the regional center moves into another regional center’s catchment area, the case should be transferred to the regional center serving the area.  Therefore, if you recently moved into or out of SCLARC’s catchment area you should contact the assigned Service Coordinator and request the case to be transferred to the appropriate regional center. To see a list of the zip codes in SCLARC’s catchment area, please visit our SCLARC Community page. If you have questions with regards to the status of any case transfer please contact our Case Transfer Department by phone (213) 744-8840 or by email

Helping You Live Life Independently

Generic Resources

The Lanterman Act requires regional centers to utilize generic resources that are available to the general community and the individuals we serve. Generic Resources are those services typically funded by a government entity, complete with a set of eligibility criteria and regulations of their own. Generic resources may include the school districts, Social Security Administration, Housing Authority, California Children’s Services, Medical, Medicare, community colleges; literacy services; and the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program.

State Council on Developmental Disabilities

Area Boards on Developmental Disabilities were created in 1969 in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act to plan, coordinate, and develop services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Area Boards also:

  • Protect and advocate for the rights of persons with developmental disabilities;
  • Conduct, or cause to be conducted, information programs to increase public and professional awareness and eliminate barriers to integration;
  • Monitor the practices of publicly funded agencies for compliance with local, state and federal laws and pursue remedies of any noncompliance with such laws;
  • Conduct activities designed to improve the quality of services;
  • Promote and support the participation of primary consumers in all levels of the system; and
  • Plan, coordinate, and develop new and expanded program opportunities.

California Children’s Services (CCS)

CCS serves children—up to age 21—with certain genetic, neurological and orthopedic conditions that can be corrected (or helped). Certain therapies for very young children (e.g. physical therapy) are provided without regard to family income and assets through Medical Therapy Units, often coordinated closely with public schools.

Other services (e.g. surgery; durable medical equipment) must be judged medically necessary. If so, CCS can refer to a health-care provider and may provide some financial support.

Such support is predicated on the family having an annual adjusted gross income (AGI) of $40,000 or less, although if medical expenses exceed (or are projected to exceed) 20% of income or more, the child may be eligible, despite higher family income.

Referral to CCS is typically provided via the physician with support by the regional center or school. Along with identifying information, the referral must include medical records that accurately and legibly document original findings.

(The) CP

The site helps parents and families with children that have been born with Cerebral Palsy understand their legal options.

Their blog also offers some great health and wellness information.

Child Health and Disability Prevention Program (CHDP)

CHDP provides well-child physicals for children through 21 years of age at the county level, using a combination of federal and state funds. The complete examination includes hearing, vision, lead level, anemia check, urinalysis, and immunizations. If Medi-Cal eligible, services extend to age 21. If not Medi-Cal eligible, services are to age 19.

Children not eligible for full-scope Medic-Cal can qualify if their family income is less than 200% of the federal poverty line. More information is available by calling the local health department or Medi-Cal division of DPSS.

Department of Children and Family Services

The title of this service may vary from area to area. This is the division of the Department of Social Services that provides protective services for children who may be abused, neglected, or dependent.

Allegations of abuse against a child (with or without a disability) are made through the protective services divisions of these agencies. Social services are available to assure a child’s safety.

Department of Rehabilitation

The mission of the Department of Rehabilitation is to assist Californian’s with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment and maximizing their ability to live independently in their communities.

The Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program (IWRP)

A counselor will review your information to determine your eligibility for services. If it will take longer than 60 days to determine if you are eligible, your counselor will meet with you to discuss the situation. To complete the eligibility determination, your counselor will assess:

  • If you have a physical or mental impairment;
  • Whether the impairment(s) make it difficult for you to get or keep a job.
  • If you require rehabilitation services in order to become or remain employed.

Once an employment goal has been determined, you and your counselor will then agree on and develop a written plan for reaching your goal.

Habilitation Services Program

The Habilitation Services Program administered by the California Department of Rehabilitation addresses the vocational needs of persons with severe developmental disabilities through a broad range of services directed toward developing the individual’s maximum potential for mainstreaming into generic vocational rehabilitation programs.

HSP provides both sheltered workshop services through Work Activity Programs and supported employment services.

Habilitation services are available only to persons with developmental disabilities who are also regional center consumers.

Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

WIC is a special supplemental food program for women, infants and young children in need. WIC provides temporary assistance with nutrition education to help improve eating habits, and supplemental food/vouchers.

These monthly vouchers for supplemental foods are used at a store selected by the participant. WIC supplemental foods include milk, cheese, eggs, peanut butter, dried beans/peas, juice, fortified infant formula/cereal and cereal.

WIC foods are selected to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women, young children and women who are breastfeeding. To be eligible, the person must be a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding (or has recently delivered a baby), or a child under five years old. In addition, the recipient must:

  • Be at a nutritional risk determined by a health professional
  • Have regular medical check-ups
  • Meet poverty income guidelines; and
  • Reside in a local agency’s service area

CalFresh Program (also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program “SNAP”)

The CalFresh Program, federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can add to your food budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. The program issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.

The CalFresh Program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs.


For households in the 48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia October I, 2016 through September 30, 2017.

To get CalFresh/SNAP benefits, households must meet certain tests, including resource and income tests:

  • Resources
  • Income
  • Deductions
  • Employment Requirements
  • Special Rules for Elderly or Disabled
  • Immigrant Eligibility

To find out how to apply for benefits in your county, please call the toll free number 1-877-847-3663 (FOOD). You can also apply for benefits by downloading an online application form, fill it out, and submit it to your local County Welfare Department or you can complete and file an application online at website.

Healthy Families is now Medi-Cal

Healthy Families was a program operated by the California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board. The Budget Act of 2014 and related legislation ended the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB) and transition the remaining MRMIB health care coverage programs to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), effective July 1, 2014.

The programs that were moved to DHCS included Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM) Program (which will be renamed the Medi-Cal Access program), County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund Program, and Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP) which included the Healthy Families program.

IHSS provides personal care and domestic services to people who are aged, blind, disabled and who live in their own homes. To be eligible an individual must:

  • Be a lawful resident of California with low income and limited resources, linked to eligibility for Medi-Cal
  • Need IHSS care to remain safely in their own home

Individuals with disabilities can qualify for IHSS services, which might include meal preparation, laundry, shopping, non-medical and other types of assistance. Eligibility for IHSS services is coordinated through the county Department of Social Services. Authorized hours may range to a maximum of 283 hours per month, depending on the needs of the individual.

IHSS services which are allowable include:

  • Domestic services (cleaning, changing linens, etc.)
  • Related services (menu planning, shopping, etc.)
  • Heavy cleaning services (due to special health problems)
  • Non-medical personal services (hygiene, grooming, ambulation)
  • Medical transportation services
  • Yard work services
  • Protective supervision services (to protect against the risk of injury/accident)
  • Teaching and demonstration services
  • Paramedical services under direction of health care professional (exercises, catheter care, injections, etc.)

Medi-Cal serves low-income Californians who would otherwise not have access to medical/health care. About half the money is federal, half state. Medi-Cal covers a variety of services when they are medically necessary. Recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are automatically eligible for Medi-Cal. Some others can qualify as medically needy, with a share-of-cost, if they have high medical expenses in any month.

Besides primary, specialty (for example, psychiatry; durable medical equipment), and acute care, the Medicaid program is used to fund a variety of other services and supports.

Over half of all funds for “developmental services” (including targeted case management; long-term health care in skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities; and waiver services) in California are financed through the Medicaid program.

Medicare is a federally-funded public health insurance program for the nation’s elderly and selected others. It covers end-stage renal disease (kidney failure, transplantation) for people of all ages. In California, Social Security Disability Insurance recipients automatically have access to Medicare, regardless of age.

Part A covers inpatient hospital care, care in a skilled nursing facility, or hospice care. Part B covers the services of physicians and selected other professionals, outpatient hospital services, medical supplies, and selected other services.

The array of available and accessible public transportation services varies from area to area. Most individuals with developmental disabilities qualify for a price reduction on bus passes to ride the public bus service. In addition, many communities operate a paratransit system (door-to-door van service) for people with disabilities who need to get to medical appointments and other community services.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require such transportation. Check with the transportation coordinator or resource developer in your regional center for information about paratransit services and transportation discounts (e.g. bus passes and taxi vouchers).

The Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD). Local housing authorities administer the program.

The program provides a subsidy for renters who have low incomes. The program’s purpose is to provide low-income families (including families of one) with safe, decent and affordable housing. Waiting lists are typically quite long; two or more years in most areas.

Sign-ups to be on the list may be only an occasional event. Increasingly, subsidies are provided through certificates and vouchers. If accepted by a private-sector landlord for rent at or below fair market rent (FMR) for units of a given size (say, one-bedroom), a certificate means that the housing authority will pay the difference each month between FMR and 30% of the family’s income.

With a voucher, the family can rent units at the rates above the FMRs, but the subsidy is the same as if the family had a certificate. The renter pays extra—that is, the difference between what the landlord charges and FMR. Individuals who need round-the-clock attendant care typically will qualify for a two-bedroom unit on their own account. Only a few local housing authorities have amended their HUD contracts to take advantage of the “shared housing option,” wherein more than one individual has an exclusive right to a bedroom and shared use of common elements of the dwelling. One can sometimes move up on the waiting list if one can obtain preference points, which are given for each of the following:

  • paying over 50% of income for housing
  • living in substandard housing
  • eviction

The Social Security Administration administers two programs of importance to many individuals with developmental disabilities: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP).

The former is all federal money; the latter is a combination of federal and state funds. In addition, a disabled adult child of a retired or deceased parent who paid into Social Security is eligible for SSA.

SSDI is a social insurance program, in which disabled individuals receive a cash payment based on their own earning record. There is no resource (or asset) test for the receipt for SSDI. SSDI benefit levels depend on the earnings of the person whose social security account the benefit is based, and on the number of persons drawing benefits on the same account.

One must have a medically determinable disability expected to last 12 months or more that prevents substantial gainful activity (SGA). At present, the SGA criterion is $500 per month ($1,000, if blind). A person eligible for SSDI is also eligible for Medicare, with the premium for Part B services paid for the individual.

Supplemental SecurityIncome/State Supplemental Payment

SSI/SSP is an income maintenance program for aged, blind, or disabled individuals (and couples) with low income and few resources. SGA is defined in the same manner as SSDI.

At present, “countable assets” (cash) may not exceed $2,000 ($3,000 for a couple). Cash payments are not predicted on prior contributions to the Social Security Fund.

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