What does the VAC do?
South Central Los Angeles Regional Center’s Vendor Advisory Committee (VAC) was established to provide advice, guidance, recommendations and technical assistance to vendors. It is dedicated to cultivating solid relationships with all those served by SCLARC, their families, regional center staff members, vendors, legislative representatives, and other community stakeholders. In addition to its monthly meetings, the VAC hosts a variety of events that include:
SCLARC Vendor Fair
- An annual event where vendors promote their programs and services to regional center staff members.
- Educational and informative trainings that keep vendors abreast of legislative issues and concerns that impact them and other SCLARC stakeholders. Topics include Special Incident Reporting, Financial and Program Auditing, Advocacy Strategies and more.
Speakers’ Bureau
- Features presentations from industry leaders on topics such as insurance, human resources policies and procedures, compliance, disability rights, employment for individuals with disabilities and many other topics.
Consumer Honors Breakfast
- Highlights South Central Los Angeles Regional Center consumers who have made significant strides in overcoming challenges. SCLARC vendors are asked to submit a 300-word paragraph nominating those deserving of special recognition for their hard work and dedication in completing a goal. Consumers who are chosen are honored each year at a breakfast held at the USC Radisson Hotel.
When are VAC meetings held and how often do they happen?
The Vendor Advisory Committee meeting is held on the second Wednesday of each month from 10 am – 12:00 pm at 2500 S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018. Please check SCLARC’s Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
For more information on the Vendor Advisory Committee, contact Karina A. Andrade, Secretary at (323)718-7676.