Lanterman Act Children Services Ages 3-17

Lanterman Act Children Services Ages 3-17

SCLARC contracts with the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. SCLARC is one of 21 regional centers serving communities throughout California. One of our goals is to ensure that individuals who are eligible to receive services are assisted in living the highest quality life possible in their communities.

The California Regional Center system was developed by the State Legislature to implement its policies regarding citizens diagnosed with developmental disabilities. Specifically, the passage of the Lanterman Developmental Services Act in 1966 created the Regional Center System whereby the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracts with local community based agencies, known as Regional Centers.

They assist people of all ages with intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy and other similar disabilities. In addition, they provide intake, assessment, diagnosis and lifelong service coordination.

The Lanterman Act Law is accessible using the links below:

An Individual’s Guide to the Lanterman Act is accessible using the links below:

Our Services, Your Choices

Traditional Services and Supports for Children and Adolescents (Ages 3 to 17)

SCLARC’s services help foster a sense of purpose and belonging in children and young adults with disabilities through community involvement, and developing skills that can help individuals live independent lives.

SCLARC made the decision to divide the Department of Children Adult Services into two specializations: School Aged Individuals (ages 3-21 years) and Adult Individuals (ages 22 years and older).  SCLARC is currently working on a Specialization Plan with a goal of completing the plan during our current Fiscal Year 2021-2022.  The plan includes creating new specialization units, assigning Service Coordinators to their identified specialization, and transferring case files to the appropriate specialization area.

Case Specialization English Letter

Case Specialization Spanish Letter

SCLARC services for ages 3 to 17 include but are not limited to:

Preparing for Your IPP
For Adults Receiving Services

Preparing for Your IPP
For Families Receiving Services

Workshops and Events

To provide additional support to the families we serve, SCLARC offers workshops and events that parents can attend to help support them and their loved one’s needs. Visit our calendar page to view upcoming workshops and events.

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