Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

A person with autism spectrum disorder has difficulties with social communication and has behaviors or interests that are restrictive or repetitive.  These deficits begin in early childhood (typically by age 3) and make it difficult to complete daily life activities.

Someone with autism spectrum disorder may have social, communication and behavioral challenges but intervention services can help them to gain important skills in these areas.

Some symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

If you are concerned that your child could have Autism Spectrum Disorder, please review the list of indicators below. Discuss these signs with your pediatrician or primary care provider.

  • Not wanting to or not knowing how to engage with other people
  • Deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication skills
  • Repeating an action over and over
  • Difficulties coping with change
  • Not making eye contact or smiling at others
  • Being very interested in or very bothered by the way things look, smell, feel, sound, or taste

Individuals who have been determined to have special needs are typically referred to SCLARC by professionals such as doctors, social workers, psychologists, judges, teachers; but can also be referred by a parent, family members and friends.

How Can SCLARC Help?

SCLARC is a resource provider for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

We provide:

  • Intake Assessment
  • Evaluations
  • Trainings
  • Case Management Services
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