There are systems in place for parents, the individuals we serve and families to lodge concerns, grievances and complaints. Specifically, the individuals we serve or their authorized representatives can utilize the Complaint and Appeals processes in order to make their dissatisfaction regarding ineligibility decisions and/or denial of services known to South Central Los Angeles Regional Center. Complaint and Appeals processes are available to individuals and families in traditional, Self-Determination, and Early Start service delivery systems.
Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4731 provides a mechanism whereby an individual we serve, or a representative acting on behalf of the individual we serve, who believes that any right to which the individual we serve is entitled to has been abused, punitively withheld, or improperly or unreasonably denied by a regional center or service provider, may file a complaint with the regional center director. (This process is only to be used for complaints alleging that the rights for an individual we serve have been violated.)
Under the Lanterman Act, found at Welfare and Institutions Section 4500 and following, individuals we serve of, or applicants for, regional center services or their authorized representatives have the right to appeal any decision or action of the regional center with which they are dissatisfied or believe is illegal, discriminatory, etc. This right to appeal is generally referred to as the Appeals process. (This appeals process is generally to be used for service-related and eligibility disputes.)
An appeals information packet is routinely sent to the individual we serve or to the authorized representative of the individual we serve when the regional center proposes to take an action without the agreement of the individual we serve or their representative.
If you do not have information on how to appeal a decision, simply ask your service coordinator, his/her supervisor, or the Consumer’s Rights Advocate to send you an appeals information packet. For more information regarding fair hearings, contact:
Appeals / Governmental Affairs Manager
Tami Summerville
2500 S. Western Avenue,
Los Angeles CA 90018
Phone: (213) 744-8899
Appeals and Complaints
To review the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Appeals and Complaints Webpage, click here.
Individuals we serve and/or families who receive and/or apply for services under the Early Start Program may file for voluntary, impartial mediation or a due process hearing when they disagree with any action taken by a Regional Center with respect to identification, eligibility, evaluation, assessment or the provision of early intervention services. (This appeals process is generally to be used for service-related and eligibility disputes.)
Finally, Title 17, California Code of Regulations Section 50540 also provides a rights-based complaint process whereby an individual we serve, or any representative acting on behalf of the individual we serve may file a complaint with the Clients’ Rights Advocate assigned to SCLARC.
Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
8255 Firestone Blvd., Suite 405
Downey, CA 90241
Tel: (323) 292-9907
TTY: (800) 719-5798
Toll Free: (800) 776-5746
Fax: (323) 293-4259
Bhumit Shah
Disability Rights California
Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
8255 Firestone Blvd., Suite 408
Downey, CA 90241
Phone: (323) 292-9907
Fax: (323) 293-4259
Heiser Lopez Gomez – Assistant CRA
The individuals we serve and families can also lodge concerns, complaints and grievances regarding the denial of rights and/or services directly with SCLARC, the Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (above) or with Area Board X at:
State Council on Developmental Disabilities
411 North Central Ave., Suite 620
Glendale, CA 91203-2020
Phone: (818) 543-4631
Fax: (818) 543-4635