McClaney Family Resource Center

McClaney Family Resource Center

The McClaney FRC supports families served by South Central Los Angeles Regional Center’s Early Intervention and Lanterman programs. We are a central point of contact for families of children with special needs and professionals and service providers who work in our community. .

About Us

The McClaney Family Resource Center provides parents and caregivers with information and education, access to community resources, and referral to vital community programs and services to support the development of their loved one with special needs.

Who We Serve

  • Families and infants and toddlers in the early intervention program at South Central Los Angeles Regional Center.
  • Families and individuals receiving Lanterman Regional Center Services (for individuals over the age of 3).
  • Families in our community who need support with connecting to regional center services.

Services Provided

The McClaney Family Resource Center provides:

Educational Workshops and Events on various topics to help parents and caregivers support their children’s development. Topics include:

  • New Parent Orientation – An overview of the early start program and services available for children birth to age three.
  • Positive Parenting for Challenging Behaviors – Easy to follow strategies on parenting approaches to improving relationships between parents/caregivers and their child.
  • Toileting without Tears – Learn to identify when your child is ready to transition out of diapers and tips to make the process easier.
  • Early Start Transition Workshop – Parents/Caregivers will learn the process of their child transitioning out of early interventions services and into other services and programs for children over the age of 3

All workshops are provided in English and Spanish. Check out our FRC Calendar for upcoming Workshops & Events

Socialization – The McClaney FRC hosts quarterly play dates for children in the Early Start program and their parents/caregivers. Playdates are a great way to see your child in action with play, sing-along-songs, movement activities and arts and crafts. Meet other parents in your area who are also on the early start journey supporting their child’s development!

  • Get Down with Play & Learning! – The FRC hosts a monthly play group for children with Down syndrome and their parents/caregivers. The play group provides developmentally appropriate play-based activities while also providing developmental information and resources for families with a loved one diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Referral Services – Families are provided a warm connection to community-based organizations that serve children with special needs. Agencies include Early Head Start, Head Start, School Districts, Mental Health services and much more.

Advocacy Support – FRC Staff provide education and advocacy support with system navigation, including eligibility and accessing services from the regional center, insurance companies, Medi-Cal, school district and other city, county and state agencies. To see a list of generic resources click here.

Parent Support – Early Start Family Resource Centers are staffed with parents of children with special needs and professionals who are passionate about early childhood development and education. Talk with other parents who have gone through the journey to receive guidance and support as you navigate early start and various services for your loved one.

Parents can click here to see a list of commonly used words by professionals who work with individuals with special needs.

Calendar of Events

Please see the calendar below for upcoming workshops and events.
Registration is required, please contact the McClaney Family Resource Center at
213 744-8882 or to register today.

Contact Us

McClaney Family Resource Center has two locations:

SCLARC Main Office

2500 S Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90018

213 744-8882

SCLARC South Gate Office

12226 Garfield Avenue
South Gate, CA 90280

213 744-8883

Stay In Touch and Up-To-Date

Get the latest updates and news from the McClaney Family Resource Center and SCLARC. You can sign up for the McClaney FRC e-newsletter to receive information for upcoming workshops, community resources and special events.

The McClaney FRC is funded in collaboration with SCLARC and Federal (Part C) funds, made available through a contract with DDS, Early Start Program, contract #390019.

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