Service Provider Directory

Service Provider Directory

DDS Update for all Vended Service Providers

To make provider data easier to find and use, Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is gathering service provider information into one, centralized, online portal called the “Provider Directory.”

For service providers included in rate reform, participation in the Provider Directory measures is the only way to attain the up to 10% quality incentive portion of the reimbursement rate from January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.

Since the beginning of the Quality Incentive Program (QIP), service providers have been able to earn one-time lump-sum payments for achieving specific measures. Moving forward there will be a transition from such payments to quality incentives as a portion of the rate reform reimbursement rate.

Overview of the Provider Directory

The Provider Directory is an online tool designed to collect and display information about service providers across the state. When fully developed, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as the general public, will be able to search the Provider Directory for service options. This Provider Directory will help users find out where services are located and where they might be needed.
Additionally, the Provider Directory will eventually include features that allow communication between service providers, regional centers, and DDS. It will serve as a key resource for improving the overall system and support various future enhancements.


To ensure payment, add your information to DDS Service Provider Directory NOW

Provider Directory Preparation

The Provider Directory will be launched in stages, gradually adding features that will benefit our community. DDS is working with regional centers and service providers to gather and verify information about service providers for the online portal. This information is being reconciled with data from existing systems. DDS will provide regular updates on its progress and will seek community input for future stages before making the online portal available to the public.

Step 1: Data Collection

The first step is to collect accurate and consistent information about all service providers. DDS started reaching out to service providers for this data on July 15, 2024. Providers can still submit their information by emailing More details about the data collection process and technical support are available on DDS’ website. Recorded webinars explain the project and provide instructions, and service providers are encouraged to watch them:

Step 2: Service Provider Registration and Validation

Next, service providers will register for the online portal and verify their information for each vendor number, including contact information, address, and local human points of contact. About a week after completing Step 1, service providers will receive an email invitation from to register for the Provider Directory and check their information for accuracy. Once this step is done, they can save a confirmation for their records.

Providers who complete their registration by November 8, 2024, will be eligible for an incentive payment. If any technical issues arise, the deadline may be extended, but November 8, 2024, is the current deadline.

Types of Incentives

For the time period of January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026, there are different incentives available for service providers to earn depending upon how their current reimbursement rates relate to rate reform reimbursement rates.

One-Time Lump-Sum Incentive Payments:
One-time lump-sum incentive payments may be earned by service providers that complete both Steps 1 and 2 by November 8, 2024. The one-time incentive payment amounts are established by the number of vendor numbers associated with a service provider organization as shown in the table below. The enclosure provides the complete list of service codes eligible for this incentive.

Service providers completing both steps after November 8, 2024, may not receive the one-time lump-sum incentives as described in this letter.

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